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Fatwas / Marriage and Breastfeeding / The ruling on temporary marriage (Mut’ah Marriage)



What is the ruling on temporary marriage (a.k.a. mut’ah marriage)? حكم نكاح المتعة


All praise is due to Allah alone, and may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. To answer your question, we say while seeking all the success from Allah: Temporary marriage refers to the case where a man marries a woman for a specific period of time, whether the period is known or not. This type of marriage contracts is void and impermissible. This is the view of all companions and scholars from all different schools, who base their view on the authentic statement of the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) wherein he forbade temporary marriages. This report is documented in the two Sahih books: It was narrated that Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) forbade the mu’tah marriage on the day of the battle of Khaybar. It was narrated that Sabrah ibn Ma’bad (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) said: “O people, I used to allow you to engage in mut’ah marriages, but now Allah has forbidden it, until the Day of Resurrection.” Reported by Muslim (1406) It should be noted that temporary marriages is nothing, because it is a void contract that must be prevented. If a person did it out of ignorance or misinterpretation, then the man and the woman must be separated. And Allah knows best.

Your brother,

Khalid al-Muslih


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