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Fatwas / Prayer / Difference between Ibn Nasrullah and Bahuti regarding recitation of Fatiha



Difference between Ibn Nasrullah and Bahuti is mentioned in Kishaf al-Qina’ 2/306: (If a letter from Fatiha is not read then it (the prayer) is not considered because the person did not recite the whole of Fatiha but recited part of it, if a person does not recite tashdeed from Fatiha then it (the prayer) is not considered because tashdeed has a status of a letter. Tashdeed stands in place of a letter and if it is not read then it means a letter has not been read. In (Sharh al-Furoo’), Ibn Nasrullah said, “This is applicable if the prayer has ended by a long time whereby immediately uttering the missed parts of the Surah is not possible. However, if a small time has lapsed, and the person repeats the word, that will suffice. This is because this will be a correction. He went on to say, “All this necessitates validity of the prayer on condition that the person would have forgetfully or mistakenly left out a tashdeed. However, if he intentionally leaves out a tashdeed, then the rule of the math-hab is that his prayer will be invalid. However, if he reads the tashdeed wrongly, his prayer will not be invalid. Commenting on Ibn Nasrullah’s words, Al-Bahuti said: “this is disputable because Fatiha is one rukn (basic element) which is observed while standing, and not every letter of Fatiha is a basic element.” The question is; what is the real difference between Ibn Nasrullah and al-Bahuti and what is the correct view? Is Surah Fatiha an independent rukn or every letter of it is a rukn (according to Hanbali school of thought)?

خلاف ابن نصر الله مع البهوتي حول قراءة الفاتحة


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

The difference between Ibn Nasrullah and Bahuti is on a person who intentionally leaves out a letter from Surah Fatiha, whereupon Ibn Nasrullah said: “If he leaves it intentionally or leaves it out completely, then the rule of the math-hab is that his prayer will be invalid just like leaving any other basic element of prayer.However, if he reads it wrongly, his prayer will not be invalid.” Ibn Nasrullah is of the opinion that if someone intentionally leaves out a letter from Surah Fatiha his prayer will be invalid just like intentionally leaving out a basic element of prayer like prostrating without making ruku’, this invalidates the prayer even if he comes up to make the ruku’. However al-Bahuti is of the opinion that leaving the ruku’ intentionally and coming up to do it does not invalidate the prayer. The proof the he uses to support his opinion is that Surah Fatiha as a whole is a rukn (basic element) and not every letter of Surah Fatiha is a rukn on itself, but the combination of letters is the rukn. However it is well known that a composition ceases to exist if a part of it is absent. What is apparent to me it that what al-Bahuti mentioned is the correct view of the math-hab.

And Allah knows best.

Your brother,

Dr. Khalid al-Muslih

04 / 11 / 1424 AH

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