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Fatwas / Marriage and Breastfeeding / A man was breastfed by a woman so she became his mother through breastfeeding.

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Is the husband of my mother through breastfeeding considered a mahram to my wife and children? Please reply to us with the answer as soon as possible. زوج الأم من الرضاعة هل يعد محرما لزوجتي


 All praise is due to Allah alone, and may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. To answer your question, we say while seeking all the success from Allah:   The majority of scholars, including the scholars from the four Madhabs, believe that breast feeding makes forbidden all that is forbidden due to marital relations. However, some scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim, stated that breast feeding makes forbidden all that is forbidden due to blood relations based on the hadith of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who related that the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) said: “Breast feeding makes forbidden what is forbidden through blood relations,” without mentioning martial relations. I believe the most correct view, however, is the view of the majority; consequently, your wife does not to wear hijab in the presence of your father through breastfeeding unless there is a doubt. In that case, she must wear hijab in his presence.



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