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Fatwas / Hajj and Umrah / Do the residents of Jeddah city who intend to perform Hajj need to perform the tawaf

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Do the residents of Jeddah city who intend to perform Hajj need to perform the tawaf of arrival and the tawaf of departure?

هل على أهل جدة ممّن ينوون الحج طواف قدوم ووداع


All praise is due to Allah alone, and may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. To answer your question, we say while seeking all the success from Allah: The tawaf of arrival is recommended for anyone who comes to Makkah to perform Hajj according to Shafie and Hanbali scholars while Maliki scholars believe it is obligatory. As for Hanafi scholars, they believe it is recommended only for those who arrive to Makkah from outside the Miqaat (the stations for assuming the state of ihram). However, it appears from the Sunnah that the tawaf of arrival is recommended for those who intend to perform Hajj or to perform it in conjunction with Umrah and are arriving from outside al-Haram. Based on that, it is prescribed for the residents of Jeddah to perform the tawaf of arrival if they entered Makkah with the intention to perform Hajj or Hajj and Umrah together. As for the tawaf of departure, the Shafie and Hanbali scholars believe it is obligatory on each pilgrim leaving al-Haram based on the generality of the statement raised to the Prophet from Ibn Abbas: “None of you should leave until the last thing that he does is to circumambulate the House.” Reported by Muslim Also, in the two Sahih books Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the people that the last thing they should do in Makkah is to circumambulate the Ka’bah, but he exempted menstruating women.” However, Hanafi scholars hold the view that it is obligatory on those whose homes are located outside the Miqat stations whereas the ones whose homes are located between the Miqat stations and al-Haram, they take the same ruling of the residents of al-Haram and so they are not obliged to perform the tawaf of departure. The Maliki scholars believe that it is recommended for those whose homes are between the Miqat stations and al-Haram and intend to stay therein. However, it seems the most correct view is that it is obligatory on every pilgrim who wants to leave al-Haram. Thus, the residents of Jeddah do not have a different ruling in this regard. And Allah knows best. Your brother, Khalid al-Mosleh   24/11/1424

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