Is it permissible to enter into the toilet with a small Quran in my pocket? If it’s not allowed is there anything on me if I forget.
دخول الحمام والمصحف في جيبي
Is it permissible to enter into the toilet with a small Quran in my pocket? If it’s not allowed is there anything on me if I forget.
دخول الحمام والمصحف في جيبي
Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.
As to what follows:
With regards to answering your question we say, success is by Allah Almighty.
It is not allowed to enter into the toilet with a Quran whether it is small or big, and this is the view held by themajority of the scholars but if it is feared that it can be stolen or lost then there is nothing wrong in entering with it.
If one enters with it out of forgetfulness then there won’t be any sin on him.
And Allah knows best.