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Fatwas / Prayer / Our Imam does not recite properly, what is the ruling on praying behind him?

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I want to ask a question on praying behind an Imam who recites fast in such a way that he sometimes eat words or verses and many a times he argues with another Imam who prays behind him?

إمامنا لا يقيم القراءة فما حكم الصلاة خلفه


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
If he can recite surah Fatiha completely in a perfect manner, it is correct to pray behind him. but if he cannot recite it perfectly then Prayer behind him will be invalid according to a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Ubada Ibn al-Samit (may Allah be pleased with him) who said Allah's Messenger (peace be on him) said:
“Whoever does not recite Al-Fatiha in his prayer, his prayer is invalid.”
Muslim also narrates a hadith reported by Abu Hurayra which says:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘Whoever performs a prayer in which he does not recite Ummul Qur’an (the Mother of the Qur’an, i.e., Al- Fatihah), it is deficient; not complete.”
And Allah knows best.

Your brother,
Dr. Khalid al-Muslih
08 / 10 / 1424 AH

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