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Fatwas / Purification / I had a miscarriage in the second month, so can I (continue to) perform my prayers?



I had a miscarriage in the second month, and I would like to know the ruling on praying with a heavy blood flow. And if I do not pray during this period, considering it as menstruation, then do I have to make up for the prayers I miss? أسقطت جنيناً في الشهر الثاني فهل أصلي؟


Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.

As to what follows:

In response to your question, we say, and with Allah Almighty lies all success:

 This blood is neither menstrual blood nor post-partum bleeding, rather it is considered corrupt blood. Therefore, there is no ruling regarding it and it does not prevent one from praying and fasting. Rather the rule regarding the woman experiencing it is the rule of a woman in a pure state. As for the prayers you missed believing you were in a state that prevents praying, then there is nothing due on you for what happened in the past and you do not have to make up for them.

And Allah knows best.

Your brother,

Dr. Khalid al-Muslih

18 / 6 / 1425 AH


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