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Fatwas / Purification / The ruling on a menstruating woman touching an explanation of the Qur’an



Regarding books of Tafsir that print the complete explanation of the Qur’an in one volume and include the entire Qur’an in it at the same time, is it permissible for a menstruating woman to touch it on account of it being a book of Tafsir, or is it forbidden on account of it being the Qur’an, although with an explanation. Thank you. حكم مس الحائض للمصحف المفسّر


Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.

As to what follows:

In response to your question, we say, and with Allah Almighty lies all success:

If the book comprises of more words other than the Qur’an, then it takes the ruling of a book of Tafsir or of whatever else it is comprised of. So it is permissible to touch it in a state of impurity. But if what is written other than the Qur’an is less than the Qur’an, then it is impermissible to touch it due to its overall definition of being a Qur’an.


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