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Fatwas / Marriage and Breastfeeding / That which is lawful to see from the girl when proposing



What is permissible for the man to see from the one who is proposing to?

صفة الرؤية الشرعية


All praise is due to Allah alone, and may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. To answer your question, we say while seeking all the success from Allah:   The people of knowledge agree unanimously that it is permissible for the man to see the woman he wants to marry based on the hadith that Imam Muslim documented in his Sahih (1424) wherein Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) related: “I was with the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) when a man came and told him that he had married a woman of the Ansar. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him, ‘Have you seen her?’ He said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Go and look at her, for there is something in the eyes of the Ansar.” However, scholars differed concerning the limits of looking at one’s fiancée, though they agreed that it is permissible for the man to see her face because it is the focus of beauty. The majority of scholars from the Hanafi, Maliki and Shafie’ Madhabs have the view that it is permissible for the man proposing to look at the face and the hands up to the wrist. The Hanafi scholars added that it is also permissible to look at her feet too. The Hanbali scholars have the view that it is permissible to show what usual appears from the woman, that is to say, the face, hand, neck and feet. And, some of them (Hanbali scholars) stated that is permissible to see her hair too. On the other hand, Dhaheri scholars believe it is allowed to see everything. However, it appears to me that the view of the Hanbali scholars is the closest to the truth, because Jabir ibn ‘Abdillah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may the Salah and Salam of Allah be upon him) said: “If one of you proposes marriage to a woman, if he can look at her to see that which will encourage him to marry her, then let him do so.” Reported by Ahmad (14176) and Abu Dawd (2082) To recap, it is permissible for a woman to show the man proposing to her what usually is seen, to even if she let him see her while her hair is uncovered.

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