What is the ruling concerning one who alleges that the Prophet’s statement, “…whom Allah breathed into him (Adam) His ruh (spirit),” means that the ruh is from Allah’s Divine Essence and Attributes, thus Allah Almighty cannot punish something that is from His Essence? Also, does the punishment of the grave occur on the ruh alone, or the body, or both? May Allah bless you. What are the opinions that have been mentioned in this issue, and what is the preferred stronger opinion of the leading scholars? Furthermore, considering that the ruh does not die at the time of death, but only separates from the body and lives the life of the barzakh, either being punished or receiving pleasure; how will the state of the ruh be when all creatures will die and nothing will remain besides the Face of our Lord Almighty, whereupon He will say, “Whose is the kingdom this Day?” No one will respond to Him, so He will respond Himself, “It is Allah’s, the One, the Irresistible!”
هل الروح من ذات الله