What is the ruling on recitation of the Quran by a menstruating woman?
قٌراءة الحائض للقرآن
What is the ruling on recitation of the Quran by a menstruating woman?
قٌراءة الحائض للقرآن
Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.
As to what follows:
With regards to answering your question we say, success is by Allah Almighty.
The ruling is not only peculiar to the month of Ramadan. The difference of opinion regarding recitation of the Quran by a menstruating woman is there whether it’s Ramadan or not.
The scholars are of 3 opinions with respect to this issue, one of them is:
1st: Absolute prohibition – a menstruating woman is not allowed to read anything at all from the Quran. They based their opinion on Allah’s saying:
“approach not AlSalat (the prayer) when You are In a drunken state until You know (the meaning) of what You utter, nor when You are In a state of Janaba, (i.e. In a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till You wash Your whole body.” [al-Nisa’ 4:43]
So they said a menstruating woman and Junub (one who is in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) share the same ruling of prohibition of performing swalah because swalah has recitation in it. So prohibition from coming near a place of prayer equates prohibition of reciting the Quran.
What is correct is that there is no proof to support the prohibition of a menstruating woman from reciting the Quran, therefore we say: a menstruating woman can read the Quran. The comparison of those who compare a menstruating woman to a Junub with respect to prohibition of reading the Quran is not sound because a menstruating woman differs from a junub in many areas:
First: the impurity of a menstruating woman is not out of choice whereas that of a junub is mostly by choice.
Second: a menstruating woman is not able to remove her impurity whereas a junub is able to do that by doing ghusal (ritual bath).
Third: there is evidence for the desirability of a menstruating woman to do dhikr and good actions. Bukhari and Muslim narrate that the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her):
“Perform all the ceremonies of Hajj like the other pilgrims, but do not perform Tawaf of the Ka`ba till you get clean (from your menses).”
Furthermore, the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) ordered menstruating women to go out and witness Eid swalah as well as witnessing da’wah. The same was not said for a junub but rather it is required from him to remove the impurity.
These differences hinder the comparison between a menstruating woman and a junub.
Therefore there is nothing that prevents a menstruating woman from reciting the Quran. This is the view held by some scholars even though the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that menstruating women are prohibited from reciting the Quran. But there is no evidence on that except analogy. If the proof is analogy, then we have clarified the differences between a junub and a menstruating woman. Therefore there is no justification for analogy.
As for a junub, the scholars have differed on whether he is prohibited from reciting the Quran or not.
The answer to that is found in the hadith narrated by Ali (may Allah be pleased with him):
“Nothing stopped the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) /prevented him from reading the Quran except sexual impurity.”
A group of scholars went on to say that this is a weak hadith though the majority of scholars are of the opinion that a Junub should not read the Quran which is also the correct opinion. Comparing a Junub and a menstruating woman is not correct.
What is correct from the 2 opinions of the scholars is that: a menstruating woman reads the Quran but does not touch the Mus’haf. There is no difference on this whether it’s in the month of Ramadan or not for indeed she needs to increase here good deeds.
It is not for us to prevent her from reading the Quran except by proof.
It is not allowed to prevent someone from doing good deeds with no celar proof or evidence.
Therefore she can read the Quran whether it’s out of need or not, like reading for the sake of strengthening her memorization or for the purpose of completing full Quran in the month of Ramadan ... etc. This is the correct opinion from the opinions held by scholars
And Allah knows best.
Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.
As to what follows:
With regards to answering your question we say, success is by Allah Almighty.
The ruling is not only peculiar to the month of Ramadan. The difference of opinion regarding recitation of the Quran by a menstruating woman is there whether it’s Ramadan or not.
The scholars are of 3 opinions with respect to this issue, one of them is:
1st: Absolute prohibition – a menstruating woman is not allowed to read anything at all from the Quran. They based their opinion on Allah’s saying:
“approach not AlSalat (the prayer) when You are In a drunken state until You know (the meaning) of what You utter, nor when You are In a state of Janaba, (i.e. In a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till You wash Your whole body.” [al-Nisa’ 4:43]
So they said a menstruating woman and Junub (one who is in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) share the same ruling of prohibition of performing swalah because swalah has recitation in it. So prohibition from coming near a place of prayer equates prohibition of reciting the Quran.
What is correct is that there is no proof to support the prohibition of a menstruating woman from reciting the Quran, therefore we say: a menstruating woman can read the Quran. The comparison of those who compare a menstruating woman to a Junub with respect to prohibition of reading the Quran is not sound because a menstruating woman differs from a junub in many areas:
First: the impurity of a menstruating woman is not out of choice whereas that of a junub is mostly by choice.
Second: a menstruating woman is not able to remove her impurity whereas a junub is able to do that by doing ghusal (ritual bath).
Third: there is evidence for the desirability of a menstruating woman to do dhikr and good actions. Bukhari and Muslim narrate that the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her):
“Perform all the ceremonies of Hajj like the other pilgrims, but do not perform Tawaf of the Ka`ba till you get clean (from your menses).”
Furthermore, the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) ordered menstruating women to go out and witness Eid swalah as well as witnessing da’wah. The same was not said for a junub but rather it is required from him to remove the impurity.
These differences hinder the comparison between a menstruating woman and a junub.
Therefore there is nothing that prevents a menstruating woman from reciting the Quran. This is the view held by some scholars even though the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that menstruating women are prohibited from reciting the Quran. But there is no evidence on that except analogy. If the proof is analogy, then we have clarified the differences between a junub and a menstruating woman. Therefore there is no justification for analogy.
As for a junub, the scholars have differed on whether he is prohibited from reciting the Quran or not.
The answer to that is found in the hadith narrated by Ali (may Allah be pleased with him):
“Nothing stopped the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) /prevented him from reading the Quran except sexual impurity.”
A group of scholars went on to say that this is a weak hadith though the majority of scholars are of the opinion that a Junub should not read the Quran which is also the correct opinion. Comparing a Junub and a menstruating woman is not correct.
What is correct from the 2 opinions of the scholars is that: a menstruating woman reads the Quran but does not touch the Mus’haf. There is no difference on this whether it’s in the month of Ramadan or not for indeed she needs to increase here good deeds.
It is not for us to prevent her from reading the Quran except by proof.
It is not allowed to prevent someone from doing good deeds with no celar proof or evidence.
Therefore she can read the Quran whether it’s out of need or not, like reading for the sake of strengthening her memorization or for the purpose of completing full Quran in the month of Ramadan ... etc. This is the correct opinion from the opinions held by scholars
And Allah knows best.